Hello June! It’s hard to believe we are already in the 6th month of 2022. It’s half over!! 3-5 months seems to be a little late to give an accurate trip report, but I did want to put up some information in the blog about our Walt Disney World trip
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I suppose that halfway into 2022 seems like an odd time to relaunch a blog. It probably is. It’s not 2004 where blogs are new and hip and maybe in 2022 it seems like a step back in time. But it’s 2022 and a lot has changed. Since I’ve last
Read moreI have a 2 year old (a.k.a. why I haven’t yet written another post.)
Coming back from vacation is always tough. As much as I yearn for the schedule of normal life after being gone, I always seem to struggle to actually settle back in. That’s why it’s taken me so long to continue our trip report. 🙂 Well that, and I have a
Read moreIt’s a Family Affair
The first week of our trip, we were joined by my parents, my brother and sister-in-law and finally Dave and my sister Rachel joined us for the last day. This was the first time that my dad and my brother Matt had been to Disneyland and I was excited to
Read moreThe trip that doesn’t end
My husband occasionally travels for work. It’s not often, but it’s brutal. I know there’s a lot of families out there who this is their reality all the time (I’m looking at you military families), so I’m not complaining – just saying that I find it extra challenging when he’s gone. I
Read more“One little spark, of inspiration…”
I’ve been saying forever that I’m going to start a blog about our travels as a family. Mainly because people are always shocked at how often we go away. Our main travel location these days is Disneyland and the people in my social circles tend to find it amusing how
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