So, the Rescue Rangers movie recently came out on Disney+. It was interesting, there was some fantastic CGI and it was cool that Disney brought back Gadget, Zipper, and Monterey Jack, but while watching the movie I noticed some significant flaws.
Flaw Number One: The Relationship of Chip and Dale, and Representation. I was hoping this would be a fun live-action version of the old Rescue Rangers TV show, but it’s not. No more squeaky voices or bad jokes (well there are some, but not like the original show). Not to mention, many of the classic villains and characters don’t get any screen time. Anyways, The scene at the beginning was cute, it was cool. We got to see how Chip and Dale met, but then we go into the next scene where they’re in a trailer outside their studio and we see that Chip and Dale aren’t very close, which doesn’t make any sense. As it is, the story is very Confusing.
Flaw Number Two: The Story. I love that they put so many “easter eggs” and references in the story, but there was just too much. The story had a good concept and lots of fun moments, however, the villains don’t make sense either, they are just goofy, and so is their goal. I feel like this movie should have just been called “Chip ’n Dale and the Case of ____” not Rescue Rangers, because the whole team is only on screen at the beginning during a flashback, and at the end. And like I said in the second paragraph, it makes no sense.
Well, that’s it, I know I just shared a bunch of bad things about Rescue Rangers, but overall it was a decent movie, 3 out of 5 Acorns.